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Inštitút teológie, misie a sociálnej práce, n. o.;
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IČO: 45737614
pod č. OVVS/NO-25/2011 nezisková organizácia

Aký je Váš názor na Európsku konvokáciu Svetlo národov, ktorá sa udeje už čoskoro v Bratislave?

a) 7; b) 7; c) 3; d) 8.

Aký je dobrý teológ?

a) 7; b) 8; c) 5.

a) 15; b) 35; c) 6; d) 7.

Ako vnímate evanjelikálne denominácie na Slovensku?


a) 16; b) 11; c) 16; d) 4.

Aký postoj má zaujať cirkev pri súčasnej spoločenskej situácii v SR?

Výsledky: a) 7, b) 3, c) 4, d) 1. 

Všimli ste si konkrétny vplyv Bethel Church na cirkvi / kresťanov na Slovensku?

a) 8; b) 10; c) 8; d) 7.

Môže kresťan bojovať vo vojne?

a) 47

b) 28

c) 31

d) 13

Ktorá apologetická úloha je teraz v SR najaktuálnejšia?


1. otázka - 4 odpovede;
2. otázka - 3 odpovede;
3. otázka - 9 odpovedí;
4. otázka - 1 odpoveď;

Chodíte do cirkevného zboru ktorý milujete?

1) 11; 2) 10; 3) 13; 4) 14;

Očakávate, že reformy nového pápeža ovplyvnia aj iné denominácie?

1 - 11; 2 - 8; 3 - 11; 4 - 8;

Aké sú dôsledky sexuálnych škandálov RKC?

a) 8; b) 4; c) 4; 



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Vianočné prianie 2014
Je podľa Vás informovanie slovenských médií o cirkvi (všeobecne) adekvátne?

Počet hlasujúcich: 27

1. odpoveď: 6

2. odpoveď: 9

3. odpoveď: 8

4. odpoveď: 4

Má sa cirkev zasadzovať za práva moslimov?

a) 3; b) 6; c) 5; d) 1 hlas.

Aké dôsledky má podľa Vás označenie vraha Breivika za kresťanského radikála?


1. odpoveď: 19 hlasov;

2. odpoveď: 9 hlasov;

3. odpoveď: 6 hlasov;

4. odpoveď: 7 hlasov.

Má na Slovensku cirkev pozitívny vplyv na politiku?

a) 14; b) 15; c) 6; d) 11

Je cirkev v Európe dosť silnou aspoň na to, aby bola soľou a svetlom počas utečeneckej krízy?


a) 20; b) 13; c) 26; d) 16.

Ako má byť financovaná cirkev na Slovensku?

1) 9; 2) 11; 3) 16; 4) 10;

Ako sa vedec dostane do neba?

a) 19; b) 9; c) 7; d) 9.

Aká je podľa Vás najväčšia príležitosť Vianoc pre cirkev?

1. Odpoveď: 14;

2. Odpoveď: 4;

3. Odpoveď: 3;

4. Odpoveď: 3;

Podpísali (by) ste petíciu za zrušenie festivalu Gothoom v N. Bani?

a) 8; b) 8; c) 16; d) 8.

Ako hodnotíte, že do komunálnych volieb kandiduje zvýšený počet kresťanských kandidátov?

1) 9; 2) 5; 3) 7; 4) 3.

Podporte Teofaniu prostredníctvom 2 %


Viac na tomto odkaze: Teofania, 2%.

Aký výsledok očakávate v prípade odvolaného arcibiskupa Bezáka?


Otázka 1) 8;
Otázka 2) 3;
Otázka 3) 6;
Otázka 4) 6;

Ako vnímate vývoj ekumenického hnutia?

a) 5; b) 5; c) 5; d) 7.

Úbytok veriacich, ktorý odhalilo sčítanie obyvateľstva je:

1) 25;

2) 11;

3) 12;

4) 13.

Aký charakter bude podľa Vás mať najbližšie prenasledovanie kresťanov?

a) 12

b) 8

c) 6

d) 4

Má smrť Ježiša historický základ?

a) 54, b) 46, c) 34, d) 22​.

Aké je podľa Vás najefektívnejšie využitie cirkevných peňazí?


1. Odpoveď: 26 hlasov.

2. Odpoveď: 19 hlasov.

3. Odpoveď: 15 hlasov.

4. Odpoveď: 18 hlasov.

Pomáhate Vy, alebo Vaše spoločenstvo prenasledovanej cirkvi?


1) 10; 2) 9; 3) 13; 4) 4.

Aké sú podľa vašich skúseností najakútnejšie problémy ľudí v súčasnosti na Slovensku, na ktoré má cirkev reagovať?

1) 10; 2) 4; 3) 3; 4) 7.

Ako sa má cirkev chovať k homosexuálom?


a) 12; b) 12 c) 16; d) 15;

Aké zručnosti okrem homiletických a pastorálnych dnes kazateľ / farár / kňaz najviac potrebuje?


A) 6; B) 4; C) 4; D) 9.

Aký obraz súčasného kresťanstva bude raz v historických štúdiách?


1. otázka: 31;
2. otázka: 26;
3. otázka: 24;
4. otázka: 34.

Intenzita nových zásadných objavov sa stupňuje. Ako sa vyrovnávate s novými vedeckými poznatkami?


V ankete hlasovalo 38 ľudí.

Výsledky ankety:

1. odpoveď: 13 hlasov;

2. odpoveď: 10 hlasov;

3. odpoveď: 10 hlasov;

4. odpoveď: 5 hlasov.

Je podľa Vás uctievanie Márie potrebné pre spásu človeka od hriechu?

a) 6; b) 9; c) 11; d) 7.

Ako hodnotíte právne prostredie v SR vo vzťahu k cirkvám?


29 Zvýhodňuje cirkev v mnohých ohľadoch
13 Cirkev v ňom má adekvátne miesto
22 V mnohých oblastiach cirkev znevýhodňuje
30 Vyvíja neadekvátny tlak na cirkevné hodnoty


Bude správnym krokom vyhlásiť Matku Terazu za svätú?

a) 10; b) 9; c) 7; d) 10;

Je referendum Božou vôľou?


Ako vnímate vývoj ekumenického hnutia?

a) 13; b) 8; c) 7; d) 8.

Staviate na Vianoce stromček (vo svojej domácnosti / farnosti)?

a) 4; b) 6; c) 1; d) 7.

Ako vnímate rozhodnutie Benedikta XVI. odstúpiť?

1. odpoveď: 17; 2. odpoveď: 6; 3. odpoveď: 7; 4. odpoveď: 6.

Ako vnímate snahu KDH a SMER-u o zmenu ústavy?

1. 5; 2. 8; 3. 15; 4. 13;

Čo vám z hľadiska stavby a vybavenia najviac chýba v súčasných bohoslužobných priestoroch?


Kvalitné umenie - 12

Nemyslí sa na deti (detský kútik, priestor priateľský pre rodiny s kočíkmi...) - 8

Priestor pre skutočné spoločenstvo - napr. možnosť sedieť v teple pri občerstvení a rozprávať sa, ihrisko... - 11

Kvalitnejšia audio-vizuálna technika - 8

Čo znamená opätovný nástup ekonomickej krízy pre cirkev?



Odpoveď č. 1: 22;

Odpoveď č. 2: 14;

Odpoveď č. 3: 17;

Odpoveď č. 4: 19.

Aký dopad na zbožnosť bude mať ústup cirkvi zo silných inštitucionálnych pozícií v Európe?


Ankety sa zúčastnilo 72 ľudí.

Odpoveď č. 1: 25

Odpoveď č. 2: 17

Odpoveď č. 3: 19

Odpoveď č. 4: 10

Je podľa Vás plánované pričlenenie Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi na Slovensku k Maďarskej reformovanej cirkvi teologicky správne?


V ankete hlasovalo 61 ľudí.

Výsledky: 1 - 17 hlasov. 2 - 16 hlasov. 3 - 16 hlasov. 4 - 12 hlasov.

Aký výklad Genesis 1. kapitoly preferujete?

1. odpoveď: 20

2. odpoveď: 12

3. odpoveď: 6

Aká je Vaša prax / Vaša skúsenosť s vysluhovaním Večere Pánovej rozvedeným?

a) 8; b) 7; c) 11; d) 8.

Aký je Váš názor na kampane slovenských denominácií v súvislosti so sčítaním obyvateľstva?


V ankete hlasovalo 74 ľudí.

Výsldky ankety:

1. odpoveď: 18; 2. odpoveď: 21; 3. odpoveď: 16; 4. odpoveď: 19.

Aký je Váš postoj k odluke cirkvi od štátu?

V ankete hlasovalo 230 ľudí.

Výsledky: 1. 78 hlasov; 2. 51 hlasov; 3. 48 hlasov; 4. 53 hlasov.


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Or try to eat only a small bedtime bite of food items shown to help shift the body and mind in sleep style: wholegrain cereal with celery, milk, cherries, or chamomile tea. Darken your room much more and twist your clock away from you personally. Write down stressful or anxieties notions to get them from your own face and on the page. This can help you place them into perspective and that means that you may quit worrying about them. Christina Reiter, '' M.S., R.D. Resident consulting dietitian at the University of Colorado--Boulder Wardenburg Health Center for Diet Education and also Therapies and former manager of the nutrition program at Metropolitan State College of Denver. Inch. Check your meals 'tude What we consume and how we feel are joined in very complex methods. A nutritious approach to ingestion relies on savoring taste, ingestion to satisfaction, and rising vitality, instead of focusing on fat loss reduction. Assess the harmony of low-calorie foods, nutrient-dense foods (supplying a number of nutrients per calorie) foods that are calorie dense but nutrient poor. Most Americans need to consume more fresh whole foods (in contrast to processed, highly refined food items). Try to incorporate more whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and legumes into your meals. Satisfy these low-fat foods using a wholesome fat or lean protein to expand gratification. 2. Eat as a kid If adding more vegetables and fruits sounds menacing, turn into "finger food" models that pre school kiddies love -- lettuce and celery sticks, cherry tomatoes, broccoli florets, berries berries, and fruits that are dried. All these are nutritional power houses packaged with anti oxidants. 3. Make a picky eater Limit saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats, and also aim to try to eat more meals full of anti inflammatory omega 3 efas to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and probably even enhance sad moods. 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ganelsale11 [27.153.182.*]

12.09.2017 11:37

Ezekiel Elliott gets prefatory injunction; embargo on carry

A U.S. Community Court decree granted the NFL Players Guild's prior injunction request on the behalf of Ezekiel Elliott http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/ezekiel-elliott-jersey on Friday, denotation the Dallas Cowboys meet abet's eviction is on hold -- on now. Judge Amos Mazzant III's conclusiveness allows Elliott to extemporize as the U.S. Region Court an eye to the Eastern District of Texas reviews the NFLPA's apply for to void his six-game suspension. There's no timeline quest of Mazzant to frame a resolution on whether to consent to the implore to get going forward to trouble, according to Gabe Feldman, supervisor of the Tulane Sports Law Program. In any event, there's a diligent come to pass Elliott inclination now be allowed to play the in one piece 2017 season as the for fear of the fact makes it course of action by virtue of the court. "This is a utter husky indication that this court would control in favor of Elliott on the merits," Feldman said on NFL Network's Up To The Fashionable Live. "It could be that the discontinuation is reinstated somewhere down the line, but it looks like in return under that Elliott will demeanour most if not all of this season." Elliott was already being allowed to vie with in Sunday's flavour opener against the Latest York Giants late to Friday's decision. In his ruling, which also categorize the granting of a temporary restraining order request, Mazzant unwavering Elliott didn't acquire a honest hearing during his appeal hearing in look of arbitrator Harold Henderson, who was appointed before NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "The question in front the court is basically whether Elliott received a fundamentally proper hearing already the arbitrator," Mazzant wrote. "The surrebutter is he did not. The court finds, based upon the command standard, that Elliott was denied a fundamentally flaxen-haired hearing near Henderson's refusal to concede [former girlfriend Tiffany] Thompson and Goodell to declare at the arbitration hearing. Their truancy ... effectively deprived Elliott of any predictability to set up a fundamentally upright hearing." The NFL disagreed with the ruling. "We strongly be convinced of that the questioning and affirmation supported the commissioner's decision and that the course of action was critical and comme ?a throughout," the collude said in a statement. "We intent fly-past the decision in greater assign and discuss next steps with counsel, both in the part court and federal court of appeals." The federation's next according with could indeed inculpate filing a application with the U.S. Court of Appeals fitted the Fifth Ambit, said Feldman, who believes there's a impressed gamble a accidentally the NFL command appeal. "This is in behalf of of the ongoing fight between the Players Federation and the http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/dez-bryant-jersey confederacy onto the power of the commissioner," Feldman said. "We keep seen the NFL concur with to inordinate lengths in court to affirm and strengthen and justify they feel they collectively bargained for. And we've seen the Players Association dispute and roughly that the commissioner has overreached and they want to protect the rights of the players ... [The NFL] don't necessitate precedent exposed there that says a court can intercede with the commissioner's decision or with an arbitrator's decision. So I over this grapple will perpetuate neutral if it's malapropos to Elliott being on the field or not." Goodell suspended Elliott six games on Aug. 11 after a year-long investigation into home vehemence accusations made alongside a mistress claiming to be his former girlfriend. The league start he violated the alliance's leadership policy, which mandates a six-game suspension concerning triumph metre domestic fierceness violations. Elliott, 22, was never charged and has denied wrongdoing. "Commissioner exercise determination carry on with to be a disorder from our underhand in requital for only reason: because NFL owners from refused to collectively steal a lawful and recognizable course of action that exists in other sports," the NFLPA wrote in a declaration released after the decision. "This 'imposed' structure remains questionable for players and the match, but as the incorruptible and honorable deposition of a only one NFL employees recently revealed, it also demonstrates the continued insufficiency of morality within their own Alliance office." Henderson upheld the six-game elimination near denying Elliott's apply on Tuesday. In his outcome, Henderson wrote Goodell rightfully acted within his "broad choice" eye the terms of the collective bargaining compatibility "to adjudicate the transform instead of taking spirit against a sportsman as a service to conduct deleterious to the soundness of, or eminent confidence" in the league. Goodell's verdict to interrupt Elliott -- within the framework of the CBA -- wasn't made on "unreasonable grounds or without any only payment of the circumstances," Henderson wrote. The NFLPA filed a request to have the suspension nullified at best hours after the appeal hearing ended on Aug. 31. It also filed a curt in support of their introductory filing, stating Henderson's arbitration "overtly recognizes NFL executives' efforts to stifle affidavit that was rudimentary to the arbitration proceedings." The NFL filed a stir Monday to send packing the petition. The band also filed requests with the U.S. Province Court on the Southern District of Unknown York to establish and enforce the arbitration ruling and for the event to be heard in New York as an alternative of Texas. The fusing is challenging the technique the NFL undertook to discontinue temporarily Elliott -- not the factual conclusions it drew from its exploration, Feldman said. The NFLPA's filing states the Henderson-led beseech prepare has "in need the confederating and Elliott of fundamental fairness." Among other things, the apply to alleges the in collusion with of one's own free will hid critical poop from Elliott and the fusion that could be subjected to been acquainted with to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's bamboozle start off investigator on the event, Kia Roberts, set up the girl who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was unsatisfactory corroborating signify to face any discipline. "They're dispiriting to create a super foul play yarn where nobody exists," band spokesman Joe Lockhart told NFL Network's Tom Pelissero on Friday. Henderson stated in his settlement that the contemporary evidence presented via Elliott's counsel [url=http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/dak-prescott-jersey]dak prescott jersey[/url] during the apply wasn't meaningful adequacy to warrant overturning Goodell's decision. Henderson also wrote that Roberts' views were in the investigative report Goodell reviewed late to the expulsion decision. When Elliott's original deprivation was announced, Todd Jones, the NFL's Curious Direction for Conduct, said exclusive of advisers who reviewed the affirmation gathered near the league "were of the view that there is propertied and dynamic basis supporting a finding that [Elliott] engaged in navy surgeon passion against Ms. [Tiffany] Thompson on multiple occasions during the week of July 16, 2016." Elliott has been bewitching scrap in exercise, walkthroughs and tandem join up meetings together meetings this week as the Cowboys put out in requital for the Giants. It appears Elliott liking continue to be a greatest strength at The Celebrated and AT&T Hippodrome with a view the inactivity of the season.


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12.09.2017 02:52

Ezekiel Elliott gets exordium interdict; ban on carry

A U.S. Department Court judge granted the NFL Players Affiliation's preface injunction apply for on the behalf of Ezekiel Elliott http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/ezekiel-elliott-jersey on Friday, meaning the Dallas Cowboys meet back's exclusion is on hold -- for now. Adjudicator Amos Mazzant III's conclusiveness allows Elliott to play as the U.S. Province Court an eye to the Eastern District of Texas reviews the NFLPA's apply for to unutilized his six-game suspension. There's no timeline allowing for regarding Mazzant to navigate a resolution on whether to earmark the suit to get going forward to whirl, according to Gabe Feldman, director of the Tulane Sports Law Program. At any rate, there's a diligent possibly Elliott wish any longer be allowed to contend in the continuous 2017 season as the for fear of the fact makes it in the works by the court. "This is a utter spicy sign that this court would control in favor of Elliott on the merits," Feldman said on NFL Network's Up To The Minute Live. "It could be that the deprivation is reinstated somewhere down the rank, but it looks like recompense now that Elliott force play most if not all of this season." Elliott was already being allowed to play in Sunday's flavour opener against the New York Giants late to Friday's decision. In his ruling, which also subsume the granting of a transient restraining uniformity request, Mazzant unwavering Elliott didn't receive a honest hearing during his allurement hearing in front of arbitrator Harold Henderson, who was appointed by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "The question before the court is at bottom whether Elliott received a fundamentally proper hearing more willingly than the arbitrator," Mazzant wrote. "The answer is he did not. The court finds, based upon the interdiction guideline, that Elliott was denied a fundamentally clear hearing near Henderson's option to permit [former girlfriend Tiffany] Thompson and Goodell to testify at the arbitration hearing. Their dearth ... effectively impoverished Elliott of any predictability to contain a fundamentally fair hearing." The NFL disagreed with the ruling. "We strongly conjecture that the investigation and hint supported the commissioner's decision and that the course of action was meticulous and peaches cranny of," the collude said in a statement. "We desire review the verdict in greater assign and thrash out next steps with barrister, both in the area court and federal court of appeals." The combination's next step could exactly involve filing a apply to with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Pale, said Feldman, who believes there's a impressed chance the NFL will appeal. "This is somewhat by of the perpetual contradict between the Players Affiliation and the http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/dez-bryant-jersey fellowship over the power of the commissioner," Feldman said. "We have seen the NFL weaken to abundant lengths in court to affirm and corroborate and justify they rely upon they collectively bargained for. And we've seen the Players Connection conflict with and roughly that the commissioner has overreached and they yearning to safeguard the rights of the players ... [The NFL] don't require example exposed there that says a court can intercede with the commissioner's ruling or with an arbitrator's decision. So I have in mind this skirmish with choice continue consistent if it's malapropos to Elliott being on the battlefield or not." Goodell suspended Elliott six games on Aug. 11 after a year-long exploration into domestic vehemence accusations made by a woman claiming to be his preceding girlfriend. The fellowship ground he violated the join forces's carry behaviour, which mandates a six-game eviction with a view first time domesticated strength violations. Elliott, 22, was not at all charged and has denied wrongdoing. "Commissioner government will carry on with to be a entertainment from our design for possibly man insight: because NFL owners have refused to collectively arrangement a courteous and open course of action that exists in other sports," the NFLPA wrote in a allegation released after the decision. "This 'imposed' approach remains problematic looking for players and the round, but as the honest and honorable deposition of a two NFL employees recently revealed, it also demonstrates the continued paucity of morality within their own Combination office." Henderson upheld the six-game ejection by denying Elliott's entreaty on Tuesday. In his verdict, Henderson wrote Goodell rightfully acted within his "broad wisdom" down the terms of the collective bargaining settlement "to decide the transform instead of irresistible strength against a especially bettor because carry on destructive to the trustworthiness of, or public self-confidence" in the league. Goodell's arbitration to suspend Elliott -- within the framework of the CBA -- wasn't made on "impractical grounds or without any proper tip of the circumstances," Henderson wrote. The NFLPA filed a petition to suffer with the deprivation nullified honest hours after the beguile hearing ended on Aug. 31. It also filed a down in succour of their introductory filing, stating Henderson's arbitration "overtly recognizes NFL executives' efforts to suppress affidavit that was rudimentary to the arbitration proceedings." The NFL filed a motion Monday to disband the petition. The band also filed requests with the U.S. District Court for the Southern Region of New York to verify and on the arbitration ruling and for the benefit of the container to be heard in Creative York rather than of Texas. The fusing is challenging the technique the NFL undertook to discontinue temporarily Elliott -- not the factual conclusions it drew from its interrogation, Feldman said. The NFLPA's filing states the Henderson-led plea process has "in want the union and Elliott of fundamental fairness." Among other things, the apply to alleges the club allied with willfully hid basic report from Elliott and the amalgamation that could entertain been acquainted with to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's lead investigator on the anyhow, Kia Roberts, originate the moll who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was deficient corroborating grounds to face any discipline. "They're frustrating to dream up a stately collusion yarn where not one exists," fellowship spokesman Joe Lockhart told NFL Network's Tom Pelissero on Friday. Henderson stated in his decision that the contemporary documentation presented via Elliott's opinion [url=http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/dak-prescott-jersey]dak prescott jersey[/url] during the invite wasn't valued plenty to ukase overturning Goodell's decision. Henderson also wrote that Roberts' views were in the investigative shot Goodell reviewed late to the expulsion decision. When Elliott's individualist deferment was announced, Todd Jones, the NFL's Unconventional Counsel since Operate, said unrelated advisers who reviewed the testimony gathered near the collaborating with "were of the spectacle that there is numerous and convincing basis supporting a finding that [Elliott] engaged in doc violence against Ms. [Tiffany] Thompson on multiple occasions during the week of July 16, 2016." Elliott has been irresistible factor in practice, walkthroughs and span meetings span meetings this week as the Cowboys put out benefit of the Giants. It appears Elliott will continue to be a sheet anchor at The Shooting star and AT&T Colosseum in requital for the inactivity of the season.


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ganelsale11 [27.153.182.*]

11.09.2017 12:22

Ezekiel Elliott gets forerunning admonition; interdict on refuse a control

A U.S. Locality Court decree granted the NFL Players Association's prior restriction put in for on the behalf of Ezekiel Elliott http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/ezekiel-elliott-jersey on Friday, denotation the Dallas Cowboys meet retire from's eviction is on hold -- for now. Adjudicator Amos Mazzant III's decision allows Elliott to put on as the U.S. District Court an eye to the Eastern Quarter of Texas reviews the NFLPA's petition to unutilized his six-game suspension. There's no timeline allowing for regarding Mazzant to get to a purpose on whether to consent to the implore to move forwards to trouble, according to Gabe Feldman, captain of the Tulane Sports Law Program. In any event, there's a burly fortune Elliott last wishes as now be allowed to play the in one piece 2017 edible as the case makes it course by the court. "This is a utter husky hint that this court would usually in favor of Elliott on the merits," Feldman said on NFL Network's Up To The Minute Live. "It could be that the suspension is reinstated somewhere down the line, but it looks like in return once in a while that Elliott will temporize most if not all of this season." Elliott was already being allowed to take the role in Sunday's enliven opener against the Latest York Giants late to Friday's decision. In his ruling, which also subsume the granting of a impermanent restraining group application, Mazzant determined Elliott didn't receive a rosy hearing during his appeal hearing in countenance of arbitrator Harold Henderson, who was appointed by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. "The open to debate unthinkable sooner than the court is at bottom whether Elliott received a fundamentally fair hearing already the arbitrator," Mazzant wrote. "The rejoinder is he did not. The court finds, based upon the command archetype, that Elliott was denied a fundamentally square hearing aside Henderson's denial to concede [former girlfriend Tiffany] Thompson and Goodell to declare at the arbitration hearing. Their truancy ... effectively badly off Elliott of any fortune to give birth to a fundamentally fair hearing." The NFL disagreed with the ruling. "We strongly imagine that the questioning and affidavit supported the commissioner's judgement and that the process was meticulous and pretty good throughout," the society said in a statement. "We purpose review the steadfastness in greater assign and thrash out next steps with barrister, both in the area court and federal court of appeals." The league's next according with could exactly inculpate filing a application with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Pale, said Feldman, who believes there's a deep-rooted gamble a accidentally the NFL will appeal. "This is responsibility of the successive fight between the Players League and the http://www.dallascowboysteamonline.com/dez-bryant-jersey union during the course of the power of the commissioner," Feldman said. "We acquire seen the NFL go to spacious lengths in court to affirm and corroborate and say they rely upon they collectively bargained for. And we've seen the Players Combine ruckus and allege that the commissioner has overreached and they homelessness to safeguard the rights of the players ... [The NFL] don't stand in want criterion out there that says a court can intercede with the commissioner's decision or with an arbitrator's decision. So I think this grapple choice keep on neutral if it's beside the point to Elliott being on the battlefield or not." Goodell suspended Elliott six games on Aug. 11 after a year-long exploration into home vehemence accusations made around a woman claiming to be his preceding girlfriend. The league found he violated the league's carry policy, which mandates a six-game delaying with a view ahead time private fierceness violations. Elliott, 22, was not in any degree charged and has denied wrongdoing. "Commissioner correction thinks fitting carry on with to be a distraction from our game in the course of possibly man reason: because NFL owners have refused to collectively haggle a courteous and open treat that exists in other sports," the NFLPA wrote in a report released after the decision. "This 'imposed' system remains controversial looking for players and the round, but as the sound and honorable statement of a only one NFL employees recently revealed, it also demonstrates the continued insufficiency of morality within their own Alliance office." Henderson upheld the six-game ejection around denying Elliott's entreaty on Tuesday. In his sentence, Henderson wrote Goodell rightfully acted within his "broad choice" down the terms of the collective bargaining settlement "to select the procedure recompense irresistible strength against a player as a service to regulation pernicious to the goodness of, or eminent coolness" in the league. Goodell's verdict to delay Elliott -- within the framework of the CBA -- wasn't made on "unreasonable grounds or without any appropriate payment of the circumstances," Henderson wrote. The NFLPA filed a request to accept the discontinuation nullified at best hours after the apply hearing ended on Aug. 31. It also filed a down in hold up under of their inaugural filing, stating Henderson's resolution "overtly recognizes NFL executives' efforts to stifle assertion that was quintessential to the arbitration proceedings." The NFL filed a motion Monday to disband the petition. The band also filed requests with the U.S. District Court for the treatment of the Southern Region of New York to confirm and on the arbitration ruling and in search the victim to be heard in Creative York instead of Texas. The union is challenging the approach the NFL undertook to eliminate Elliott -- not the bona fide conclusions it drew from its interrogation, Feldman said. The NFLPA's filing states the Henderson-led appeal function has "destitute the union and Elliott of first fairness." Among other things, the apply to alleges the league on one's own hid basic information from Elliott and the amalgamation that could have on the agenda c trick been used to exonerate him. It claims the NFL's male investigator on the anyhow, Kia Roberts, found the moll who accused Elliott wasn't credible and there was inadequate corroborating proof to forward any discipline. 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Elliott has been taking factor in tradition, walkthroughs and yoke meetings band meetings this week as the Cowboys put out benefit of the Giants. It appears Elliott liking persist in to be a greatest strength at The Star and AT&T Colosseum after the holiday of the season.


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MichaelNessy [178.159.37.*]

30.07.2017 00:14


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27.07.2017 23:02


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1) 7; 2) 8; 3) 4; 4) 3.
SPOLU: 22 hlasov.

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Otázka do diskusie:

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10.01.2011 11:48
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Re: Uloha medii
19.04.2018 18:59
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Re: Uloha medii
13.04.2018 21:49
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Re: Uloha medii
13.04.2018 18:13
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10.04.2018 03:26
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28.03.2018 13:46
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Re: Uloha medii
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15.03.2018 08:37
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10.03.2018 22:10
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
06.02.2018 03:31
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Re: Uloha medii
06.02.2018 02:25
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Re: Uloha medii
27.01.2018 11:08
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Re: Uloha medii
24.01.2018 16:45
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Re: Uloha medii
23.01.2018 03:14
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Re: Uloha medii
19.01.2018 07:41
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Re: Uloha medii
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23.12.2017 10:50
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15.12.2017 06:17
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Re: Uloha medii
30.11.2017 01:48
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Re: Uloha medii
22.11.2017 01:36
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Re: Uloha medii
22.11.2017 01:26
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Re: Uloha medii
18.11.2017 15:08
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Re: Uloha medii
09.11.2017 03:37
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Re: Uloha medii
08.11.2017 03:50
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Re: Uloha medii
07.11.2017 01:02
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Re: Uloha medii
06.11.2017 11:22
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Re: Uloha medii
05.11.2017 10:28
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Re: Uloha medii
04.11.2017 19:34
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Re: Uloha medii
03.11.2017 16:04
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Re: Uloha medii
03.11.2017 05:37
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Re: Uloha medii
02.11.2017 23:05
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Re: Uloha medii
02.11.2017 23:03
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Re: Uloha medii
02.11.2017 17:03
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Re: Uloha medii
02.11.2017 04:47
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Re: Uloha medii
01.11.2017 13:14
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Re: Uloha medii
31.10.2017 10:46
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Re: Uloha medii
29.10.2017 11:13
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Re: Uloha medii
28.10.2017 03:52
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27.10.2017 13:04
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27.10.2017 09:27
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27.10.2017 01:40
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Re: Uloha medii
24.10.2017 10:25
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Re: Uloha medii
24.10.2017 09:56
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Re: Uloha medii
21.10.2017 03:18
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Re: Uloha medii
20.10.2017 21:32
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Re: Uloha medii
20.10.2017 21:07
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Re: Uloha medii
20.10.2017 03:24
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Re: Uloha medii
17.10.2017 23:28
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Re: Uloha medii
17.10.2017 02:41
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Re: Uloha medii
16.10.2017 14:23
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Re: Uloha medii
16.10.2017 13:53
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16.10.2017 13:37
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16.10.2017 13:35
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Re: Uloha medii
11.10.2017 16:18
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11.10.2017 16:16
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Re: Uloha medii
11.10.2017 12:36
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Re: Uloha medii
08.10.2017 00:28
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Re: Uloha medii
06.10.2017 16:28
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Re: Uloha medii
04.10.2017 14:30
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Re: Uloha medii
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03.10.2017 23:58
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Re: Uloha medii
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03.10.2017 04:17
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Re: Uloha medii
25.09.2017 14:10
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Re: Uloha medii
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23.09.2017 00:23
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Re: Uloha medii
21.09.2017 15:06
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Re: Uloha medii
20.09.2017 19:30
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Re: Uloha medii
19.09.2017 23:57
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Re: Uloha medii
19.09.2017 10:42
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Re: Uloha medii
18.09.2017 15:03
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Re: Uloha medii
18.09.2017 01:25
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Re: Uloha medii
15.09.2017 17:46
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Re: Uloha medii
14.09.2017 02:26
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Re: Uloha medii
14.09.2017 01:06
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Re: Uloha medii
14.09.2017 00:38
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 21:52
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 21:29
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 20:58
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 20:56
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 20:48
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 17:08
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 13:18
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 12:51
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 09:05
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 04:53
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Re: Uloha medii
13.09.2017 00:57
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 21:15
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 18:24
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 14:16
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 10:17
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Re: Úloha médií
12.09.2017 10:15
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 05:44
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Re: Uloha medii
12.09.2017 01:22
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 21:46
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 18:16
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 14:18
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 10:37
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 06:30
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Re: Uloha medii
11.09.2017 02:22
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 22:38
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 19:30
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 16:07
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 12:45
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 10:14
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 09:12
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Re: Uloha medii
10.09.2017 05:50
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 17:29
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 14:15
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 11:17
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 08:37
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 05:25
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Re: Uloha medii
09.09.2017 02:21
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 22:54
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 20:08
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 16:59
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 14:06
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 10:22
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 06:52
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 03:04
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Re: Uloha medii
08.09.2017 00:10
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 20:46
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 17:12
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 14:25
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 11:43
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 08:54
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 06:02
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 03:09
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Re: Uloha medii
07.09.2017 00:06
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Re: Úloha médií
06.09.2017 21:22
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 21:10
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 18:46
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 16:00
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 14:52
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 12:56
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 09:57
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 06:41
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 04:17
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Re: Uloha medii
06.09.2017 00:52
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 21:13
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 17:57
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 15:10
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 12:08
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 09:25
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 07:16
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 03:34
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Re: Uloha medii
05.09.2017 00:10
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 20:52
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 17:23
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 13:57
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 10:43
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 07:04
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 03:46
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Re: Uloha medii
04.09.2017 00:12
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 21:21
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 18:04
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 14:28
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 11:23
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 09:09
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 05:57
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 03:20
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Re: Uloha medii
03.09.2017 00:53
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 23:12
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 21:37
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 21:21
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 21:13
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 18:32
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 17:45
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 16:49
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 15:33
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 15:14
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 15:06
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 13:50
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 13:05
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 12:11
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 11:42
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 11:24
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 11:05
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 09:42
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 09:26
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 09:24
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 09:24
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 08:42
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02.09.2017 08:36
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 06:49
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 06:30
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 06:13
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 05:59
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02.09.2017 04:50
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02.09.2017 04:38
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02.09.2017 04:31
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02.09.2017 04:16
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Re: Uloha medii
02.09.2017 01:59
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02.09.2017 01:58
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02.09.2017 01:57
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02.09.2017 01:56
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02.09.2017 01:56
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02.09.2017 01:25
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02.09.2017 01:24
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02.09.2017 00:00
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Re: Uloha medii
01.09.2017 23:55
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01.09.2017 23:55
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01.09.2017 23:54
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01.09.2017 23:47
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01.09.2017 23:37
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01.09.2017 22:37
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Re: Uloha medii
29.08.2017 23:10
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29.08.2017 20:32
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28.08.2017 10:12
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28.08.2017 06:00
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28.08.2017 04:01
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Re: Uloha medii
27.08.2017 21:59
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27.08.2017 15:22
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27.08.2017 10:54
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27.08.2017 00:51
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26.08.2017 23:45
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26.08.2017 22:47
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26.08.2017 19:21
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26.08.2017 18:47
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26.08.2017 18:37
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26.08.2017 15:45
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26.08.2017 08:50
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26.08.2017 08:49
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 07:13
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 05:37
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 04:26
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 03:06
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 00:44
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Re: Uloha medii
26.08.2017 00:25
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Re: Uloha medii
25.08.2017 22:24
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Re: Uloha medii
25.08.2017 20:50
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Re: Uloha medii
25.08.2017 13:56
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25.08.2017 13:37
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Re: Uloha medii
25.08.2017 10:21
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25.08.2017 09:06
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25.08.2017 08:16
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25.08.2017 07:16
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25.08.2017 06:43
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25.08.2017 06:15
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25.08.2017 03:48
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25.08.2017 02:34
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25.08.2017 02:21
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25.08.2017 00:05
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Re: Uloha medii
23.08.2017 14:08
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23.08.2017 13:50
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23.08.2017 11:59
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23.08.2017 11:08
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23.08.2017 09:46
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23.08.2017 08:11
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23.08.2017 05:07
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23.08.2017 01:27
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22.08.2017 18:06
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22.08.2017 18:04
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22.08.2017 18:03
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22.08.2017 16:36
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22.08.2017 14:57
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22.08.2017 14:24
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22.08.2017 08:33
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22.08.2017 02:10
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22.08.2017 00:45
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22.08.2017 00:15
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21.08.2017 20:33
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21.08.2017 19:09
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21.08.2017 15:11
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21.08.2017 08:54
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21.08.2017 04:55
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21.08.2017 01:04
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21.08.2017 00:30
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20.08.2017 21:58
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20.08.2017 20:22
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20.08.2017 19:38
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20.08.2017 19:10
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20.08.2017 14:36
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20.08.2017 13:31
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20.08.2017 11:20
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20.08.2017 11:19
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20.08.2017 08:42
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20.08.2017 06:54
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20.08.2017 06:27
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20.08.2017 05:40
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20.08.2017 03:38
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19.08.2017 19:22
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19.08.2017 18:50
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18.08.2017 19:23
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16.08.2017 02:40
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14.08.2017 15:13
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12.08.2017 05:46
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11.08.2017 17:50
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11.08.2017 17:26
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11.08.2017 16:14
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11.08.2017 16:14
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11.08.2017 12:04
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11.08.2017 12:04
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Re: Uloha medii
10.08.2017 21:12
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10.08.2017 15:17
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10.08.2017 01:41
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Re: Uloha medii
09.08.2017 22:49
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09.08.2017 21:31
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09.08.2017 21:15
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09.08.2017 19:49
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09.08.2017 15:41
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09.08.2017 11:27
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09.08.2017 11:10
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09.08.2017 09:55
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09.08.2017 08:53
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09.08.2017 07:23
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09.08.2017 06:22
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09.08.2017 06:17
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09.08.2017 04:04
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09.08.2017 03:48
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09.08.2017 03:17
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09.08.2017 02:44
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09.08.2017 01:01
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Re: Uloha medii
08.08.2017 23:00
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08.08.2017 22:45
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08.08.2017 18:49
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08.08.2017 11:29
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08.08.2017 09:43
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08.08.2017 08:26
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08.08.2017 05:16
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08.08.2017 03:18
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08.08.2017 01:24
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08.08.2017 01:24
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Re: Uloha medii
07.08.2017 19:46
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Re: Uloha medii
07.08.2017 17:31
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07.08.2017 17:00
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07.08.2017 15:51
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07.08.2017 15:10
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07.08.2017 14:51
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07.08.2017 14:35
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07.08.2017 13:52
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07.08.2017 11:39
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Re: Uloha medii
07.08.2017 09:27
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07.08.2017 07:33
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07.08.2017 07:33
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07.08.2017 05:46
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07.08.2017 04:09
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07.08.2017 03:41
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07.08.2017 02:47
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Re: Uloha medii
06.08.2017 22:57
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06.08.2017 21:58
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06.08.2017 14:32
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06.08.2017 11:45
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06.08.2017 06:32
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06.08.2017 06:02
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06.08.2017 00:29
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Re: Uloha medii
05.08.2017 23:52
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05.08.2017 23:31
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05.08.2017 21:22
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05.08.2017 20:54
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05.08.2017 15:48
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05.08.2017 15:02
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05.08.2017 13:58
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05.08.2017 11:43
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05.08.2017 11:04
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05.08.2017 09:51
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05.08.2017 06:25
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Re: Uloha medii
04.08.2017 23:26
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04.08.2017 22:59
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04.08.2017 21:15
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04.08.2017 21:14
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04.08.2017 19:45
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04.08.2017 18:28
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04.08.2017 14:33
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04.08.2017 11:17
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04.08.2017 10:22
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04.08.2017 08:14
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04.08.2017 07:45
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04.08.2017 07:16
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04.08.2017 07:06
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04.08.2017 02:57
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04.08.2017 01:55
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04.08.2017 00:03
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Re: Uloha medii
03.08.2017 23:15
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03.08.2017 21:51
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03.08.2017 21:19
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03.08.2017 20:32
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03.08.2017 18:01
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03.08.2017 16:50
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03.08.2017 16:17
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03.08.2017 15:44
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03.08.2017 13:57
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03.08.2017 12:29
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03.08.2017 12:18
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03.08.2017 11:33
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03.08.2017 08:01
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03.08.2017 06:56
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03.08.2017 06:06
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Re: Uloha medii
02.08.2017 23:40
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02.08.2017 22:02
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02.08.2017 21:18
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02.08.2017 18:58
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02.08.2017 17:19
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02.08.2017 14:35
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02.08.2017 13:10
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02.08.2017 11:24
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02.08.2017 09:47
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02.08.2017 05:27
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02.08.2017 02:10
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02.08.2017 02:00
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Re: Uloha medii
01.08.2017 20:17
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01.08.2017 20:00
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01.08.2017 14:53
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01.08.2017 12:58
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01.08.2017 06:54
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01.08.2017 05:53
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01.08.2017 05:22
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01.08.2017 04:17
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01.08.2017 00:04
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Re: Uloha medii
31.07.2017 20:18
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31.07.2017 19:37
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31.07.2017 18:40
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31.07.2017 16:29
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31.07.2017 12:41
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31.07.2017 12:40
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31.07.2017 10:55
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31.07.2017 10:48
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31.07.2017 02:57
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Re: Uloha medii
30.07.2017 23:02
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30.07.2017 20:27
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30.07.2017 18:53
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30.07.2017 17:48
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30.07.2017 11:22
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30.07.2017 06:54
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30.07.2017 03:07
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30.07.2017 02:54
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30.07.2017 02:39
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30.07.2017 02:16
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29.07.2017 18:11
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29.07.2017 17:00
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29.07.2017 16:47
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29.07.2017 14:13
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29.07.2017 12:59
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29.07.2017 10:35
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29.07.2017 09:11
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29.07.2017 08:37
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29.07.2017 06:19
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29.07.2017 05:15
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29.07.2017 03:16
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29.07.2017 01:52
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29.07.2017 01:35
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Re: Uloha medii
28.07.2017 23:45
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28.07.2017 21:00
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28.07.2017 19:26
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28.07.2017 18:11
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28.07.2017 15:44
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28.07.2017 14:52
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28.07.2017 14:27
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28.07.2017 13:35
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28.07.2017 11:51
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28.07.2017 03:50
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28.07.2017 03:41
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Re: Uloha medii
27.07.2017 23:09
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27.07.2017 22:59
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27.07.2017 21:53
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27.07.2017 19:31
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27.07.2017 19:18
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27.07.2017 16:37
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27.07.2017 13:55
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27.07.2017 13:28
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27.07.2017 10:45
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27.07.2017 07:20
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27.07.2017 05:36
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27.07.2017 03:14
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27.07.2017 01:12
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27.07.2017 00:23
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27.07.2017 00:03
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Re: Uloha medii
26.07.2017 23:29
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26.07.2017 22:57
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26.07.2017 22:04
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26.07.2017 21:58
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26.07.2017 17:02
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26.07.2017 16:05
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26.07.2017 14:45
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26.07.2017 14:08
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26.07.2017 13:08
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26.07.2017 12:49
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26.07.2017 10:50
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26.07.2017 10:10
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26.07.2017 10:05
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26.07.2017 09:56
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26.07.2017 08:03
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26.07.2017 07:58
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26.07.2017 04:44
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26.07.2017 03:35
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26.07.2017 01:12
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26.07.2017 01:07
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Re: Uloha medii
25.07.2017 22:22
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25.07.2017 22:00
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25.07.2017 21:01
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25.07.2017 20:11
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25.07.2017 19:24
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25.07.2017 14:42
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25.07.2017 13:51
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25.07.2017 12:27
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25.07.2017 11:59
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25.07.2017 07:59
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25.07.2017 03:23
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25.07.2017 02:44
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25.07.2017 01:27
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Re: Uloha medii
24.07.2017 19:02
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24.07.2017 16:55
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24.07.2017 14:45
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24.07.2017 12:23
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24.07.2017 09:55
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24.07.2017 09:17
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24.07.2017 07:45
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24.07.2017 07:00
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24.07.2017 03:15
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24.07.2017 00:12
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Re: Uloha medii
23.07.2017 22:52
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23.07.2017 20:46
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23.07.2017 19:38
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23.07.2017 18:54
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23.07.2017 16:52
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Re: Úloha médií
23.07.2017 16:27
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23.07.2017 15:40
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23.07.2017 14:28
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23.07.2017 12:58
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23.07.2017 11:26
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23.07.2017 10:23
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23.07.2017 09:15
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23.07.2017 08:37
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23.07.2017 07:16
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23.07.2017 02:46
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23.07.2017 00:08
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Re: Uloha medii
22.07.2017 23:34
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22.07.2017 21:45
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22.07.2017 19:07
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22.07.2017 18:33
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22.07.2017 18:13
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22.07.2017 16:35
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22.07.2017 16:19
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22.07.2017 15:25
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22.07.2017 14:09
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22.07.2017 12:05
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22.07.2017 10:57
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22.07.2017 07:34
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Re: Uloha medii
21.07.2017 20:58
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21.07.2017 20:53
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21.07.2017 18:34
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21.07.2017 12:39
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21.07.2017 11:48
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21.07.2017 10:59
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21.07.2017 09:24
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21.07.2017 09:04
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21.07.2017 06:13
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21.07.2017 01:42
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21.07.2017 01:39
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21.07.2017 01:19
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21.07.2017 01:17
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21.07.2017 01:17
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21.07.2017 01:09
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Re: Uloha medii
20.07.2017 19:05
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20.07.2017 11:25
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20.07.2017 11:18
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20.07.2017 05:56
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Re: Úloha médií
20.07.2017 02:23
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Re: Uloha medii
19.07.2017 23:47
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19.07.2017 22:38
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19.07.2017 20:32
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19.07.2017 19:29
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19.07.2017 18:18
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19.07.2017 17:55
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19.07.2017 15:45
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19.07.2017 14:27
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19.07.2017 10:22
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19.07.2017 05:43
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19.07.2017 04:35
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19.07.2017 01:57
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19.07.2017 00:49
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Re: Uloha medii
18.07.2017 21:33
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18.07.2017 18:41
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18.07.2017 17:23
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18.07.2017 17:05
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18.07.2017 15:16
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18.07.2017 14:18
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18.07.2017 14:10
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18.07.2017 14:08
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18.07.2017 09:27
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18.07.2017 08:56
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Re: Úloha médií
18.07.2017 07:20
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18.07.2017 06:32
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18.07.2017 05:06
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18.07.2017 02:01
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18.07.2017 01:09
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Re: Uloha medii
17.07.2017 23:51
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17.07.2017 19:16
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17.07.2017 17:59
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17.07.2017 16:13
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17.07.2017 12:55
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17.07.2017 12:14
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17.07.2017 11:59
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17.07.2017 10:35
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17.07.2017 06:46
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17.07.2017 01:37
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17.07.2017 00:26
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Re: Uloha medii
16.07.2017 18:46
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16.07.2017 17:25
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16.07.2017 12:13
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Re: Uloha medii
15.07.2017 14:04
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
15.07.2017 02:30
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Re: Uloha medii
14.07.2017 23:39
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Re: Uloha medii
14.07.2017 20:43
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctors prescription
14.07.2017 10:44
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Re: Uloha medii
12.07.2017 08:01
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Re: Uloha medii
11.07.2017 19:26
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11.07.2017 17:46
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11.07.2017 16:41
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11.07.2017 15:08
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11.07.2017 14:56
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11.07.2017 14:34
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11.07.2017 12:26
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11.07.2017 08:57
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11.07.2017 07:47
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11.07.2017 05:22
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11.07.2017 03:34
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11.07.2017 01:42
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11.07.2017 00:18
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Re: Uloha medii
10.07.2017 20:10
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10.07.2017 14:10
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10.07.2017 12:36
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10.07.2017 09:12
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10.07.2017 07:30
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10.07.2017 06:33
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10.07.2017 05:33
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10.07.2017 04:30
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10.07.2017 03:52
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10.07.2017 02:15
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10.07.2017 02:06
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10.07.2017 02:04
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Re: Úloha médií
09.07.2017 16:13
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Re: Uloha medii
07.07.2017 23:44
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Re: Uloha medii
07.07.2017 18:18
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
07.07.2017 13:11
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Re: Uloha medii
07.07.2017 07:32
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor's prescription
05.07.2017 20:37
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Re: Uloha medii
04.07.2017 23:47
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
04.07.2017 12:53
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Re: Uloha medii
04.07.2017 06:22
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Re: Úloha médií
03.07.2017 03:21
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Re: Uloha medii
02.07.2017 18:15
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Re: Uloha medii
01.07.2017 23:52
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Re: Uloha medii
01.07.2017 23:52
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Re: Úloha médií
01.07.2017 12:38
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Re: Uloha medii
30.06.2017 04:56
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29.06.2017 08:03
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28.06.2017 15:13
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28.06.2017 14:13
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28.06.2017 13:10
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27.06.2017 10:43
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27.06.2017 10:19
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27.06.2017 10:15
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Re: Úloha médií
26.06.2017 18:16
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26.06.2017 13:13
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26.06.2017 07:08
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26.06.2017 05:41
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26.06.2017 05:08
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Re: Uloha medii
25.06.2017 08:51
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24.06.2017 16:34
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23.06.2017 01:40
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21.06.2017 09:51
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21.06.2017 02:19
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21.06.2017 02:05
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Re: Úloha médií
20.06.2017 18:56
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20.06.2017 16:36
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20.06.2017 13:31
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Re: Úloha médií
19.06.2017 18:39
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Re: Úloha médií
19.06.2017 02:14
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Re: Uloha medii
18.06.2017 19:57
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Re: Úloha médií
18.06.2017 13:44
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
18.06.2017 08:05
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Re: Úloha médií
17.06.2017 09:56
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Re: Uloha medii
17.06.2017 00:41
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Re: Úloha médií
16.06.2017 21:44
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Re: Uloha medii
16.06.2017 13:05
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Re: Uloha medii
cialis without a doctor's prescription
16.06.2017 11:16
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Re: Úloha médií
16.06.2017 03:44
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Re: Uloha medii
15.06.2017 22:54
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15.06.2017 15:32
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Re: Uloha medii
14.06.2017 22:51
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14.06.2017 22:51
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14.06.2017 22:50
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14.06.2017 22:50
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14.06.2017 22:40
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14.06.2017 22:40
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Re: Úloha médií
14.06.2017 18:30
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14.06.2017 11:17
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14.06.2017 10:50
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Re: Uloha medii
14.06.2017 02:44
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Re: Úloha médií
13.06.2017 18:53
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Re: Uloha medii
cialis without a doctor's prescription
13.06.2017 07:10
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Re: Uloha medii
12.06.2017 21:51
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12.06.2017 12:17
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12.06.2017 09:15
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Re: Uloha medii
11.06.2017 02:21
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Re: Úloha médií
10.06.2017 17:51
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Re: Uloha medii
07.06.2017 00:18
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Re: Uloha medii
07.06.2017 00:18
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Re: Uloha medii
04.06.2017 21:26
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
03.06.2017 02:37
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Re: Uloha medii
02.06.2017 19:30
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Re: Uloha medii
02.06.2017 01:36
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
01.06.2017 20:59
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Re: Uloha medii
01.06.2017 11:55
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 21:36
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 15:16
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 15:16
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 13:28
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 03:27
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Re: Uloha medii
29.05.2017 03:27
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Re: Uloha medii
28.05.2017 17:26
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Re: úloha médií
27.05.2017 18:55
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Re: Úloha médií
27.05.2017 11:43
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Re: Úloha médií
26.05.2017 13:19
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Re: úloha médií
25.05.2017 19:55
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Re: Uloha medii
25.05.2017 18:41
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Re: Uloha medii
24.05.2017 16:04
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Re: Uloha medii
24.05.2017 14:16
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Re: Uloha medii
23.05.2017 03:28
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Re: Uloha medii
22.05.2017 21:50
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Re: Uloha medii
21.05.2017 05:11
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Re: Uloha medii
20.05.2017 23:20
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Re: Uloha medii
19.05.2017 19:15
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19.05.2017 15:27
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Re: Uloha medii
19.05.2017 13:41
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Re: Uloha medii
19.05.2017 08:33
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Re: Uloha medii
generic viagra without a doctor prescription
17.05.2017 13:05
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Re: Uloha medii
17.05.2017 10:55
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Re: Uloha medii
17.05.2017 07:46
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Re: Uloha medii
16.05.2017 18:52
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Re: Uloha medii
15.05.2017 12:28
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Re: Uloha medii
15.05.2017 10:11
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Re: Uloha medii
15.05.2017 10:11
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Re: Uloha medii
cialis without a doctor prescription
14.05.2017 14:24
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Re: Uloha medii
14.05.2017 09:27
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Re: Uloha medii
14.05.2017 09:08
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Re: Uloha medii
14.05.2017 09:08
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Re: Uloha medii
cialis without a doctor prescription
14.05.2017 06:12
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Re: Uloha medii
12.05.2017 02:07
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Re: Uloha medii
12.05.2017 02:07
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Re: Uloha medii
10.05.2017 20:41
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Re: Uloha medii
08.05.2017 19:00
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Re: Uloha medii
08.05.2017 16:48
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Re: Uloha medii
08.05.2017 15:11
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Re: Úloha médií
07.05.2017 05:31
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Re: Uloha medii
06.05.2017 23:34
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Re: Uloha medii
06.05.2017 11:25
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Re: úloha médií
04.05.2017 17:13
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Re: Uloha medii
02.05.2017 11:21
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Re: Uloha medii
02.05.2017 01:37
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Re: Uloha medii
01.05.2017 19:37
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Re: Uloha medii
01.05.2017 06:37
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Re: Uloha medii
01.05.2017 03:38
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Re: Uloha medii
30.04.2017 19:50
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Re: Uloha medii
30.04.2017 09:02
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Re: Uloha medii
29.04.2017 22:34
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Re: Uloha medii
29.04.2017 20:04
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Re: Úloha médií
29.04.2017 03:57
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Re: Uloha medii
28.04.2017 22:05
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Re: Uloha medii
28.04.2017 16:22
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Re: Uloha medii
28.04.2017 07:03
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Re: Uloha medii
27.04.2017 20:22
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27.04.2017 11:57
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Re: Uloha medii
27.04.2017 09:13
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27.04.2017 06:06
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Re: Uloha medii
27.04.2017 05:09
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Re: Uloha medii
26.04.2017 01:52
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Re: Uloha medii
25.04.2017 20:01
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Re: Uloha medii
25.04.2017 19:38
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Re: Uloha medii
25.04.2017 18:56
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Re: Uloha medii
25.04.2017 18:53
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25.04.2017 18:28
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25.04.2017 17:24
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25.04.2017 15:09
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25.04.2017 12:51
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Re: Úloha médií
25.04.2017 06:43
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Re: Uloha medii
25.04.2017 05:06
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25.04.2017 01:18
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Re: Uloha medii
24.04.2017 20:47
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24.04.2017 19:53
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24.04.2017 03:34
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Re: Uloha medii
24.04.2017 03:34
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Re: Uloha medii
24.04.2017 03:22
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Re: Uloha medii
23.04.2017 13:43
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Re: Uloha medii
23.04.2017 10:02
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Re: Uloha medii
23.04.2017 03:47
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Re: Uloha medii
22.04.2017 19:38
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Re: Úloha médií
22.04.2017 16:36
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Re: Uloha medii
22.04.2017 13:09
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Re: ?loha médi?
22.04.2017 04:17
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Re: Uloha medii
21.04.2017 20:32
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Re: Uloha medii
21.04.2017 09:33
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Re: Uloha medii
20.04.2017 19:35
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Re: Uloha medii
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20.04.2017 16:21
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Re: Uloha medii
20.04.2017 06:41
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Re: Uloha medii
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19.04.2017 23:13
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Re: Uloha medii
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18.04.2017 13:11
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 04:59
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 04:40
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 03:30
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 03:13
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 02:20
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 01:22
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Re: Uloha medii
18.04.2017 01:10
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctors prescription
18.04.2017 00:45
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 23:24
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 20:40
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Re: Uloha medii
cialis without a doctor's prescription
17.04.2017 19:52
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Re: Uloha medii
viagra without a doctor prescription
17.04.2017 17:41
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 17:18
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 15:10
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 15:06
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 13:58
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 13:24
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 12:49
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 12:30
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 11:41
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 11:37
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 10:43
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 10:35
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 09:51
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 09:27
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 08:18
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 08:05
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 07:09
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 06:12
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 06:00
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 04:53
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 04:24
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 03:45
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Re: Úloha médií
17.04.2017 02:58
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 02:37
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 02:37
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 01:26
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Re: Uloha medii
17.04.2017 00:49
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 22:46
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 20:24
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 19:40
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 18:33
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 18:06
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 17:24
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 16:11
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 15:58
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 15:01
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 13:56
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 13:53
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 12:41
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 12:04
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 11:32
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 10:22
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 10:12
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 09:14
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 08:22
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 08:05
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 06:58
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Re: Úloha médií
16.04.2017 06:28
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 06:25
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 05:51
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 04:36
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 04:00
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 02:52
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 02:27
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 01:41
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 00:35
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Re: Uloha medii
16.04.2017 00:33
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 23:26
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 22:20
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 22:18
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 21:14
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 20:08
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 19:57
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 19:02
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 17:53
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 17:39
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 16:39
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 15:29
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 15:16
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 14:18
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 14:10
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Re: Uloha medii
15.04.2017 05:23
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Re: Uloha medii
14.04.2017 00:49
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Re: Uloha medii
13.04.2017 15:44
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Re: Uloha medii
12.04.2017 20:10
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Re: Uloha medii
12.04.2017 12:31
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Re: Uloha medii
12.04.2017 08:58
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Re: Uloha medii
12.04.2017 08:15
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Re: Uloha medii
11.04.2017 17:19
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Re: úloha médií
11.04.2017 12:24
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Re: Úloha médií
11.04.2017 09:08
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Re: Uloha medii
11.04.2017 07:53
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Re: ??loha m?©di?­
11.04.2017 01:04
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Re: Uloha medii
10.04.2017 09:06
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Re: Úloha médií
10.04.2017 04:46
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Re: Úloha médií
09.04.2017 19:27
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Re: Uloha medii
08.04.2017 13:16
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Re: Uloha medii
08.04.2017 11:42
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Re: Uloha medii
08.04.2017 11:42
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Re: Uloha medii
08.04.2017 11:34
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Re: ??loha m?©di?­
08.04.2017 10:40
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Re: Uloha medii
08.04.2017 09:19
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Re: Uloha medii
07.04.2017 15:47
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Re: Úloha médií
07.04.2017 14:02
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Re: Uloha medii
07.04.2017 07:12
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Re: Uloha medii
07.04.2017 01:55
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Re: Uloha medii
07.04.2017 01:40
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Re: Uloha medii
06.04.2017 23:24
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Re: Uloha medii
06.04.2017 11:51
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Re: Uloha medii
06.04.2017 08:34
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Re: Uloha medii
06.04.2017 05:38
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 21:11
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 20:54
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 13:21
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 08:40
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 06:59
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Re: Uloha medii
05.04.2017 04:51
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Re: Uloha medii
04.04.2017 20:40
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Re: Uloha medii
04.04.2017 11:52
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Re: Uloha medii
03.04.2017 23:56
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Re: Uloha medii
03.04.2017 01:16
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Re: Uloha medii
02.04.2017 20:16
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Re: Uloha medii
02.04.2017 14:49
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 23:45
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 19:55
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 19:50
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 17:23
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 15:24
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 06:00
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 00:26
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Re: Uloha medii
01.04.2017 00:25
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Re: Uloha medii
31.03.2017 12:27
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Re: Uloha medii
30.03.2017 20:56
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Re: Uloha medii
30.03.2017 19:02
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30.03.2017 15:24
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30.03.2017 12:53
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Re: Uloha medii
30.03.2017 06:54
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Re: Uloha medii
30.03.2017 04:29
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Re: Uloha medii
30.03.2017 01:44
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Re: Uloha medii
29.03.2017 21:04
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Re: Uloha medii
29.03.2017 10:10
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Re: Uloha medii
29.03.2017 10:10
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Re: Uloha medii
29.03.2017 08:57
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Re: Úloha médií
29.03.2017 07:12
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Re: Uloha medii
28.03.2017 19:33
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Re: Uloha medii
28.03.2017 07:57
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Re: Uloha medii
28.03.2017 06:11
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 19:58
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 19:58
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 19:46
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 17:59
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 16:39
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 03:45
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Re: Uloha medii
27.03.2017 01:13
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Re: Uloha medii
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26.03.2017 21:49
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Re: Uloha medii
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26.03.2017 17:58
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Re: Uloha medii
26.03.2017 17:04
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Re: Uloha medii
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26.03.2017 13:24
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Re: Uloha medii
26.03.2017 10:59
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Re: Uloha medii
26.03.2017 08:37
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Re: úloha médií
25.03.2017 22:14
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Re: Uloha medii
25.03.2017 18:56
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Re: Úloha médií
24.03.2017 16:25
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Re: Uloha medii
23.03.2017 18:38
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Re: Uloha medii
23.03.2017 04:06
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Re: Uloha medii
21.03.2017 04:58
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Re: Uloha medii
20.03.2017 08:59
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Re: Úloha médií
18.03.2017 23:12
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Re: Úloha médií
18.03.2017 21:03
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Re: Úloha médií
18.03.2017 20:11
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Re: Uloha medii
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18.03.2017 19:55
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Re: Úloha médií
16.03.2017 23:50
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Re: Uloha medii
16.03.2017 18:46
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Re: Uloha medii
16.03.2017 01:13
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Re: Uloha medii
15.03.2017 23:00
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Re: Úloha médií
15.03.2017 05:04
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Re: Uloha medii
14.03.2017 12:50
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Re: Úloha médií
14.03.2017 08:53
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Re: Uloha medii
13.03.2017 12:24
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Re: Úloha médií
13.03.2017 03:25
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Re: Uloha medii
13.03.2017 02:45
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Re: Uloha medii
13.03.2017 00:25
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Re: Uloha medii
12.03.2017 18:47
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Re: Uloha medii
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11.03.2017 07:27
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Re: Uloha medii
11.03.2017 04:56
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Re: Uloha medii
10.03.2017 19:00
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Re: Uloha medii
10.03.2017 14:49
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Re: Uloha medii
09.03.2017 16:30
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Re: Uloha medii
09.03.2017 09:07
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Re: Uloha medii
09.03.2017 09:07
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Re: Uloha medii
09.03.2017 08:41
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Re: Uloha medii
08.03.2017 01:55
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Re: Uloha medii
07.03.2017 22:10
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Re: Uloha medii
07.03.2017 11:29
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Re: Uloha medii
07.03.2017 06:57
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Re: Uloha medii
07.03.2017 06:50
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Re: Úloha médií
07.03.2017 04:15
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Re: Uloha medii
06.03.2017 20:57
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Re: Úloha médií
06.03.2017 15:09
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Re: Uloha medii
06.03.2017 07:23
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Re: Uloha medii
06.03.2017 04:51
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Re: Uloha medii
05.03.2017 17:12
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Re: Úloha médií
05.03.2017 14:22
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Re: Úloha médií
05.03.2017 06:04
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Re: Uloha medii
04.03.2017 22:18
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Re: Uloha medii
04.03.2017 22:18
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Re: Uloha medii
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04.03.2017 16:49
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Re: Uloha medii
04.03.2017 11:52
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Re: Uloha medii
04.03.2017 03:54
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Re: Uloha medii
04.03.2017 03:54
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Re: Uloha medii
03.03.2017 19:27
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Re: Úloha médií
03.03.2017 16:17
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Re: Uloha medii
03.03.2017 12:47
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Re: Uloha medii
03.03.2017 10:54
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Re: Uloha medii
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03.03.2017 04:37
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Re: Uloha medii
03.03.2017 00:11
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Re: Uloha medii
02.03.2017 23:54
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Re: Úloha médií
02.03.2017 05:46
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Re: Uloha medii
02.03.2017 02:54
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Re: Uloha medii
01.03.2017 20:02
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Re: Uloha medii
01.03.2017 19:54
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Re: Uloha medii
01.03.2017 19:37
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Re: Úloha médií
01.03.2017 10:12
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Re: Uloha medii
28.02.2017 03:13
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Re: Uloha medii
28.02.2017 02:37
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Re: Uloha medii
27.02.2017 13:43
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Re: Uloha medii
26.02.2017 19:02
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Re: Uloha medii
26.02.2017 15:42
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Re: Uloha medii
26.02.2017 10:07
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Re: Uloha medii
25.02.2017 20:58
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Re: Uloha medii
25.02.2017 15:02
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Re: Uloha medii
25.02.2017 15:02
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Re: Uloha medii
25.02.2017 14:09
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Re: Uloha medii
25.02.2017 00:09
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Re: Uloha medii
24.02.2017 20:59
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Re: Uloha medii
24.02.2017 20:16
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Re: Uloha medii
24.02.2017 16:22
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Re: Úloha médií
24.02.2017 15:32
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Re: Uloha medii
24.02.2017 04:48
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Re: Uloha medii
22.02.2017 21:29
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Re: Uloha medii
22.02.2017 17:31
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Re: Úloha médií
22.02.2017 02:10
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Re: Uloha medii
21.02.2017 12:48
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Re: Uloha medii
21.02.2017 04:20
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Re: Uloha medii
20.02.2017 22:18
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Re: Úloha médií
20.02.2017 09:31
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 20:28
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Re: Uloha medii
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19.02.2017 19:25
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 18:30
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 17:43
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 07:47
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 06:58
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Re: Uloha medii
19.02.2017 02:22
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Re: Uloha medii
18.02.2017 17:50
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Re: Uloha medii
18.02.2017 01:51
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Re: Uloha medii
17.02.2017 18:26
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Re: Úloha médií
17.02.2017 11:38
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Re: Uloha medii
17.02.2017 00:48
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Re: Uloha medii
17.02.2017 00:02
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Re: Úloha médií
16.02.2017 23:36
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Re: Úloha médií
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Uloha medii
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Re: Úloha médií
Miloš Masarik
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Re: Re: Úloha médií
Milan Lorinc
14.04.2012 18:27
Ako rozumiete Kristovmu vzkrieseniu?


a) 3; b) 7; c) 11; d) 4.

Koho budete voliť v 2. kole prezidentských volieb?


1. odpoveď: 8; 2. odpoveď: 22;

Čo podľa Vás najviac chýba postoju cirkvi k homosexuálom?

Odpovede: a) 8; b) 4; c) 4; d) 3.

S čím súvisí Vaša najkrajšia vianočná spomienka?

Rodina: 38; Dary: 8; Bohoslužby: 10; Iné: 11.
SPOLU: 67 hlasov.

Otázka pre praktizujúcich kresťanov: Budete nakupovať v OD IKEA?


Aký je adekvátny postoj cirkvi v súčasných voľbách?

Odpoveď č. 1: 13 hlasov;

Odpoveď č. 2: 5 hlasov;

Odpoveď č. 3: 9 hlasov;

Odpoveď č. 4: 4 hlasy.

Je prenasledovanie kresťanov v Európe reálne?

a) 15; b) 6; c) 6; d) 9.

Aký postoj má zaujať cirkev voči situácii na Ukrajine?

1 - 6; 2 - 5; 3 - 8; 4 - 13.

Ako vnímate úlohu cirkvi v rómskych osadách?

SPOLU: 236 hlasov. 1. odpoveď: 77; 2. odpoveď: 55; 3. odpoveď: 50; 4. odpoveď: 54.


17.05.2018 18:50
16.05.2018 22:49
Zachary Washington
Zachary Washington
08.05.2018 17:49
Cassandra Woodard
Cassandra Woodard
13.03.2018 16:53
Čo sa deje na KU v Ružomberku?

Čo sa deje na KU v Ružomberku?

a) 8; b) 6; c) 8; d) 4;

Aký je Váš názor na denník Postoj?

a) 5; b) 8; c) 3; d) 6.

Aký je Váš názor na výroky úspešného slovenského atlétu Volka o Bohu?

a) 7; b) 6; c) 3; d) 5.

Veríte v Ježiša Krista?

1) 17; 2) 9; 3) 9; 4) 8.

Články k diskusii

Po pedofilných škandáloch je cirkev v USA v kríze, diecézy bankrotujú
Väčšina Holanďanov je presvedčená, že cirkev zatajovala sexuálne zneužívanie
Rakúsku katolícku cirkev opustilo rekordné množstvo ľudí

Moja cesta k ateizmu

Doplňujúca anketa:



Otázka pre ďalšiu diskusiu:

Čo podľa Vás najviac potrebuje cirkev na Slovensku aby sa opäť stala / zostala (vyberte si podľa výsledku ankety) pre ľudí príťažlivá?